April 25, 2010


The strawberries, planted two springs ago have received alot of attention. Sea soil, which is in the wheelbarrow, then some organic fertilizer (green sand, alfalfa, kelp and some other natural shit). You have to wear a SARS mask while spreading the fertilizer bc if you inhale it makes you cough alot, its a really fine powder. The blueberries and raspberries are also given sea soil which is a bit acidic, and they like that.

This guy is Yoni. We were born on the same day in the same year, I am 4 hours older than him. We use the same community bike, have similar grey fleece sweaters, black curly hair and we giggle at things that aren't funny all the time. He is slowly becoming the Jewish brother I never had. He likes to check his horoscope in the morning to see if we will get along that day.


  1. Which horoscope does he check?
    Here is your Freewill Astrology for the week of April 29th:
    Unlike people who cheat on their mates, polyamorists carry on two or more intimate relationships but don't lie about it. Their lovers know about each other and have agreed to the arrangement. I applaud those who have the inclination to pull off this tricky work, even though I personally couldn't manage it. Handling just a single intense bond takes improbable amounts of my ingenuity. If I were trying to weave my fate together with more than one partner, I wouldn't have any energy left over to write these horoscopes or do anything else. How about you, Scorpio? You're in a phase when splitting your attention might be tempting, not just in regards to your love life but in other areas, too. Whether that's the right thing to do, I can't say. Here's what I do know: You can either go deeper or wider, but not both.

  2. wow..that's pretty rare to meet someone that close in age!!! awesome! I want to skype with the girls soon...Rosie said she wants to see the ocean!!
