May 26, 2010

Flowers and aspagus crowns

Okay so I realized that I really haven't been posting about what has actually been happening week by week. Because really, alot has happened. Hopefully I can keep better records with this blog by changing the structure a bit.

Yoni and I fresh and early in our matching fleeces looking awkward. Its been pretty cold and rainy this week so we layer up in the mornings.

This week we prepped a series of beds for squash, zucchini, melons and cucumbers. The gourd family? I don't know what family they are called, I can't remember. It's my favorite one to eat though. Each plant is rather large, so the holes were fairly big, spaced about 4' apart (less for the cucumbers) with horse manure, fertilizer and lime in each hole. 

As I shoveled manure into the holes, I managed to collect worms by shifting through the horse shit to start a worm compost! I am very keen on this project which I just started, we will see if it works, fingers crossed.

The weeds are starting to come up in the beds we have planted during the last month, so much weeding by hoe has been done.

Today we planted alot of flowers, zinnia, heliotrope and cynoglossum. Heliotrope is a purple flower with a really nice scent. Here is Patrizia planting some. 

Also, this afternoon I had some free time so I planted asparagus crowns! Shankar, the director of the centre, is an avid gardener and donated a couple of crowns from his vast garden. They look pretty insane, this was the largest one, its the size of medium sized dog.  I dug some holes and threw them in, however I later learned that they need to be planted much deeper, in a 'trench'. So I think I will have to go back to re plant deeper. 

We apparently won't get much this season, as its fairly late to be planting, but the plant and fern that will come up is beautiful and the shoots will definitely be up next spring.

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