July 10, 2010

HEAT wave Big Font Edition

Yoni and Hazel were clearing out plants that started to go to seed in our compost pile so that the seeds dont drop and spread further weeds when we apply compost. First off look at the size of this collard, Second, if you look from far away, or not carefully at the photo, doesn't Yoni look like a small gnome standing or growing from the edge of the shurb? I really think so. ha.

Brandon and I harvested lettuce and asian greens in the morning. Here are some things I have learned about harvesting, lettuce and mustards in particular from cheif operator Sofya:

-morning is the best time, if you harvest in the afternoon when 
it is hot the lettuce is bitter in taste

-when storing lettuce or any other leafy green in the fridge it is best to 
rinse it with cool water, Sofya calls it hydro cooling, it keeps longer

-mustard greens and lettuce need to be harvested before they start going to seed or to 'bolt' as they become way to spicy or bitter

It has been way hot outside, Juneary is over. On the first of July we were wearing sweaters, and now its so hot none of us can think properly. Especially Yoni.

I had no idea but in order to have proper produce there needs to be bees pollinating.  It has been so cold that the bees were not doing their thing.  So the zucchini plants were producing these wierd un fertilized deformations, one which I am holding. Such a simple concept that I didn't fully get until now. This worries me for the future of food production if climate shifts and bee populations drop can that happen? I feel like it can. eeeee

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