July 2, 2010

Hard Times

It was a week of full days. Them weeds be coming up, and so we spent alot of time killing them with hand tools. And with bare hands. Brandon pounded a bunch of metal poles to hold up the pea fence and tomatoes.  We mulched alot of stuff to prevent weeds. More plantings of cabbage, rutabaga, and lettuce which gets seeded and planted every 2 weeks (ish). The melons are hanging in there as are the cukes, just waiting for warmer weather. We all worked pretty hard, especially chief operator Sofya, who doesn't really take a break not even to go to the washroom.

Yoni rototilled the really weedy paths. The rototiller is kinda shit. I tried using it, equalled much frustration. It stopped working today so Yoni just weed wacked everything, which he really enjoys. 

Some people wear SARS masks when dealing with fertilizer and lime so as not to inhale it. Also advisable when handling wet moldy straw that smells like fungus. Hazel wears these Ray Bans all the time, never realizing how tense the muscles around her eyes were from squinting...until she acquired these sunglasses. Thank you Steph Tran & Vietnam. 

So there is this shed area on the land full of junk that has accumulated over the years. A recent project occurred over the last couple of days of cleaning it all out and reorganizing. What a shit show. Some people were working really hard, cleaning and organizing to loud disco music that reverberated all over the land. That we heard while farming. I thought I liked disco, but I realized I just like the Beegees.

Because of this large scale clean up, I managed to find some beautiful terracotta pots in which I planted some seedling rejects. 

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